Celebrating Small Wins: 30 Days of Coding Challenge

Farida Elchuzade
4 min readOct 23, 2023

While today I am celebrating 30 days of coding, I want to share my thoughts on my learning journey and my progress so far.

When I started the #100DaysOfCode journey I actually wasn’t sure I would come this far. I thought to myself, could I really commit to this challenge? Should I be publicly sharing my progress? What if I skip a couple of days? Not only was I a little scared to share publicly but I also had a plate full of learning commitments, and it seemed like coding might be the one I would not continue with. However, 30 days later, I find myself not only still standing but celebrating my progress and newfound determination (YAY!).

I have tried various online coding courses, and, for a while, it felt like a never-ending search. Most of the time, they didn’t quite match my needs, leaving me struggling to stay motivated. But then, a month ago, I came across Codecademy’s Front-end Engineering Career path and decided to give their one-week Pro Membership trial a shot.

In just one week, I knew I’d found the right fit. The syllabus and learning path matched my style and needs perfectly. I needed to see the order of topics I was learning, practice them on the way, and also try to code on my own. Completing the quizzes and exams was also pushing me for a good topic recap. So I decided to continue with Codecademy Pro Membership and managed to grab a 50% discount (keep an eye on their website for ongoing promotions). You can read more about my first week right here.

Fast forward 30 days and I found myself celebrating my learning progress. I am here confidently saying that I have covered the HTML and CSS topics along with quizzes, exams, and projects.

Here are some of the HTML and CSS topics I covered during my 30 days of learning journey:


  1. Introduction to HTML: Building the foundation, understanding tags and elements.
  2. HTML Structure: Crafting the basic structure of a web page, including headings, paragraphs, and lists.
  3. Links and Anchors: Creating hyperlinks to navigate between web pages.
  4. Images and Media: Embedding images and multimedia content on web pages.
  5. Forms and Input: Designing interactive forms for user input.


  1. Introduction to CSS: Styling your HTML content with cascading style sheets.
  2. Selectors and Properties: Selecting HTML elements and applying styles using properties like color, font size, and margin.
  3. Layout and Positioning: Understanding the CSS box model, positioning elements, and creating layouts.
  4. Responsive Design: Crafting web pages that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  5. Transitions and Animations: Adding interactivity through transitions and animations.

My learning curve might be a bit slower than someone else’s, but what mattered to me was that I maintained my learning consistency. Every day, no matter how busy life gets, I dedicate time to learning. Some days I barely have the energy or I am just not into coding, but still, I push myself to read an article or watch a related video (from my bed). This determined commitment keeps me motivated throughout the day and gives me that little push to continue.

I have to admit though, that the first two weeks of this journey were the most mentally challenging. New topics, quizzes, and exam preparation were a little frustrating to tackle. Doubts crept in; I questioned if I had what it takes. But pushing through those moments was possible because I committed to learning daily. Two weeks in, I could feel the excitement building as I began to see progress in my learning journey.

What’s next for me?

The #100DaysOfCode journey will continue, but it doesn’t end there. I’ve applied for a 6-month coding program, and I’m anxiously awaiting the results. Stay tuned for updates and more details on that front. In the meantime, I’ll continue with Codecademy and other resources that support my growth.

If you’re curious about my daily experiences during the #100DaysOfCode challenge, you can find them on my Twitter (X) page. Also, you can show your support by following my GitHub page, where I’ll be sharing the projects I work on as I learn.

I’m eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions. What aspects of my coding journey would you like to read about next? Let me know in the comments section below.



Farida Elchuzade

Product Designer (UX/UI) & Storyteller | Startups| Community Builder | previously @Shopify